S – Sources of potential income? Pensions, Social Security, and investments.
 Analyze & coordinate income sources with other planning areas.
F – Re-deploy investments, if needed, to reduce risks, potentially retain capital and generate dependable income streams.
– Efficiently and tactically adjust income strategy as financial needs and conditions change.

R – Review existing insurance coverages (or lack thereof) to ensure adequacy and relevance.
I – Investigate possible insurance hedge alternatives to mitigate risk to the estate or to enhance
the estate (tax reduction, LTC alternatives, etc).
S – Scrutinize affordability impact to the longer-term plan needs.
K – Know and implement your insurance strategy, re-evaluate frequently as life changes.

T – Tag current personal tax exposures.
A – Ascertain your ability to reduce that exposure.
X – X-ray future tax liabilities for you and your heirs (IE – the hidden taxes).
E – Evaluate estate strategies (gifts, trusts, etc) and the ability to reduce inherited taxes to you,
and your heirs.
S – Systematize the solution(s) (Roth conversions, strategic gifting, etc.).

H – Holistically review current plan considering all planning areas.
E – Evaluate any problem areas
I – Initiate proactive solutions that coordinate with all planning areas.
R – Re-evaluate frequently considering changes to legal and tax code.

R – Risk score analysis – Get to know your personal risk score
E – Evaluate, research and re-allocate regularly
A – Advance and protect tactically
L – Limit Unnecessary Risk Exposure